Rinsing on upliance

Tired of scrubbing those messy jars? We’ve got your back! We’ve got a handy rinsing option, so you can forget about post-cooking cleanup hassles. Here’s how you can access the rinsing option:

  1. From the Homepage

You’ll find the ‘Rinse’ option conveniently located on the top bar next to your profile icon.


Click on it and you’ll be redirected to the instructions page.


  1. Through the Search Function:

For a more thorough cleaning to remove oil stains and stronger odours, you can easily find the feature by searching for keywords like ‘Cleaning’ or ‘Rinse.’


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Can we refine this Rinse program?
a) It does not clean thoroughly, especally when we cook sticky/greasy stuff
b) The lid never gets cleaned
c) Someone suggested that they created a custom preset, with 400 ml water, 85 degree cel, speed 12 at an interval of 1 minute each

Would love a thoroughly cleaned up jar so that we can cook frequently.

Can we remove it from the machine, remove the blade, and wash it like a normal mixer jar?

or we cannot wash it with running water because of the heater element?

If rinsing does not clean properly, so then how to clean it?

Use a wet towel to scrape the sides of the jar for oily greasy leftovers.

I will surely try the custom preset mentioned above by Pujar.