Requesting features to make the product the BEST

The product is great. I have some ideas how we can make it greater

1- Include Feature to schedule my cooking
I should have some feature in my phone app, where i can control when the cooking should start. For example, i can keep rice, but want it cooked just when i am about to reach to home etc.
Or cooking eggs for example.

2- Have an inbuilt meal plan in the screen.
And it should automatically suggest me the same time what to prepare.

3- A electronic cereal dispenser type attachment at the top of the crown that should be connected to the app/upliance.
I will only store the ingredients in this dispenser. It automatically take these ingredients and cook.
This dispenser can be like an accessory

4- ability to give me statistics of what i eat and how much calories i consumed and what macros i consumed daily. Divided by each Member in my family.

5- Ability to connect the upliance to our phones/tablets instead of the inbuilt one.