More features on machine and app

Features on machine and App:

  • volume button on tab to increase or decrease brightness. If not then directly accessing it on the screen.

  • round button on the machine: many times while cooking, hands are wet Nd hence tough to access the screen. It would be great if this round button gives control to mobe the steps up and down while cooking.

  • favourites in app: favourites marked in app are not accessible in mobile

  • Bluetooth connectivity to app: to get the status updates while cooking

  • alexa compatibility: to pair with alexa device to know cooking status and also adding groceries to alexa shopping cart.

  • Recepies: certain basic recepies are missing like Vegetable raitha, rasams and very less recepies of Karnataka (like ragi mudde, akki rotti, jolada rotti, ). Also not many sattvic recepies are included.

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Thank you. Most of these features are on our roadmap, you should get them as an update!
For the recipes, in raitas we have cucumber, carrot and tomato raita, and we have a couple of recipes for rasam. Let us know if you have any specific types in mind.
The dough recipes are a bit tricky - we have tried ragi mudde internally, and the dough ends up sticking to the jar, and its not a great experience. We will continue experiment and see whether we can do this well.

When are you planning for the next software update with the above mentioned features?? Is there any time frame??

I have ragi flour, I will give it a shot with the dough.