How to use this Community: Navigation Guide

  1. To search, use the the search icon on top

2. Browsing topics

We have organised Topics and Threads under Categories so it is easy to navigate. You can use Tags and Categories to find relevant topics.

To explore the community, simply click on a topic of interest and read through the list of responses in chronological order. You can also follow links, preview replies, and quotes as you navigate. Use your mouse to scroll through the screen, or make use of the timeline scroll bar on the right, which also keeps you informed about your progress within the conversation. On smaller screens, you can select the bottom progress bar to expand it for easier navigation.

3. Latest Threads

Topics above the light red line on a list are new or updated since your last visit. If you have read all the way to the end of a topic, the title will be light grey instead of black.

4. Exploring Related Discussions

In the interest of maintaining clarity and relevance, we often separate or merge topics as needed. This might involve moving posts to a more suitable discussions or combining two related topics. When a post is relocated, a convenient link will appear, allowing you to easily access that specific comment in its new location. The original poster will also receive a notification regarding the move.
Furthermore, at the end of the original post (OP), you will find lists of related topics that provide links to discussions closely connected to the one you are currently reading.

Browsing forum
a). In the default view, you will see all the main Categories in boxes:

b). You can sort the page based on Categories, Tags and by level of activity (Latest)
Here are a few examples

Sort by Categories

Sort by Tags

Sort by Latest